Herm got an Epson scanner for his birthday so that we could change our hundreds (probably a thousand, actually) of slides over to digital format. I chose these four for my first try at it, and it was pretty much trouble free and FAST!

Just hanging out on the swingset in the backyard of our house on Chappell in Moline, MI where Herm was the youth pastor for several years. Lots of good memories for me there and where I met my friend, Marjo.

Taken at Luther, MI where my parents owned property. It's Cyndi walking barefoot. The hat may have belonged to my brother, Gary.

Taken at Mt. Hood after we moved to Portland in 1983.

Taken at the house on Bel-Red Rd. Note the suit Herm is wearing is the one I made him after taking the Stretch & Sew class. While this house was probably one of the smallest and even what I would now call a "fixer upper", our kids remember it fondly.