It's been one week since Jordan arrived at PDX to begin her three week stay while her mom, Cyndi, is in South Korea as the leader of a mission trip along with several students from CBU.

Any stay with Grandma and Grandpa Boes has to include at least one visit to our local Starbucks. And Jordan knows very specifically what she wants: a decaf frappacino with drizzles of caramel and chocolate and lots of whipped cream.

The day after she arrived, Megan, Jordan, Jennifer and I all met at the blueberry field to pick the yummy fruit. I forgot my camera that day, so I had to show Jordan holding the blueberry peach cobbler that we made with those fresh berries. That look of Jordan's makes you think she can hardly wait to dive in, but unfortunately for her, she doesn't like cobbler. She did enjoy lots of the fresh berries, though.

I had to add this picture to make everyone think that maybe Jordan is hesitant to go on the rides at the carnival in downtown Salem. But...

She tried them all multiple times. No fear here!

Besides all of the exciting stuff above, Megan's blog tells about her first experience diving off a diving board. She also went to Jennifer's house this week and learned how to sew on a sewing machine. By the end of her stay, she should have a Christmas quilt. There have been crafts, visits to the library, lots of dog fun, and my next blog will begin with a trip to the ocean. Stay tuned!