We enjoyed a beautiful hike
on South Sister where we encountered some snow, so we eventually had to turn back. But thankfully we didn't give up too soon or we would have missed the beautiful waterfall. I must say that climbing down the rocks and taking a chance on breaking my leg was well worth it. Hope you think so, too.
Here's a photo of family playing in the snow. There were lots of snowballs being thrown and plenty of wet feet, but how often do you get to play in the snow in July?
One of the activities the children especially enjoyed was swimming. That's Sarah holding onto Eric's feet with Noah next to her (has goggles). Maya is sitting on the side of the pool with Megan looking at her and Andrew next to her. Herm is to the right of Andrew.
Herm rode his Honda Gold Wing over to Sun River, and he gave a ride to many of the family. This photo shows Sarah.
One afternoon we went to an area near Sun River that had lots of lava. There were holes that previously had trees growing in them, so some of our group had fun hiding in them and popping up and trying to scare approaching family. The awesome thing for me was to see wildflowers growing in such a desolate area.
That's Brian down in the hole, and the kids in the picture to the left are Jordan, Maya, Sarah and Noah.
I've included the remaining photos to show you other family members in various poses to show you other activities. We had such a great time and hope to try it again if we can.
Noah, Sarah, Jordan in spa. Jennifer, Megan, Aidan doing a puzzle.
1 comment:
Looks like everybody had alot of fun on your vacation. I love when all the families get together. Snow in July...hummmmmm! We usually have enough during the winter, but the last couple winters we had more ice storms than snow storms. I must say I prefer the snow (lesser of two evils parkingwise)...best of all I like spring and the green.
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