Thursday, August 21, 2008

Motorcycling across Oregon, 8/08

Herm and I took a 4-day motorcycling vacation this month beginning in Salem, driving to Bend and calling it a day since it was 102 degrees. Next morning we continued on to Burns, then south to the Steens Mountains. During that leg of the trip we experienced driving with lightning flashing around us, rain, hail and then sun. We stayed in a historical hotel and had a pot roast dinner served family style with the other residents (plus a few folks that were camping nearby). The reason we chose this part of the state is because it is the only area where we have never travelled. We decided we won't be returning - it's dry and desolate.

One of our favorite parts of the trip was the trip between John Day and Prineville. We saw some majestic, rocky peaks. The two mountain pictures that follow are of the Blue Mountains just outside of John Day.

Our favorite town was discovered when we stopped for lunch in Vale where we noted all of the businesses that had murals painted on the buildings. The artistry was beautiful, and Herm and I have always enjoyed the history of the times that included the Oregon Trail.

The above mural was painted on the side of a church.

The following four murals were side by side, but due
to their length, I've broken them down into four individual photos.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I like the Blue Mountain pictures.